Almost everyone wants to be loved, but some of them, without realizing it, do not allow love. Opposite sentiments as lack of self esteem or pride can lead to the same situation: the inability to accept love from.

Although it may seem otherwise, when a person believes he loves more than anyone is part of their pride. Stop thinking and can make you realize that anyone who has either love him equally, if not more. The love is a treasure, but not ostentatious, not rivalry and fight with him and not against him.

In the relations is not always true to say that, rule generally, there is always one of the two members of the couple he loves more than the other. Simply, each demonstrating the love and knows how. Receive is love.

Do not allow to be loved, when you want the opposite, is a form of sadness forced to hide behind. It creates a constant lament that stretches all the important things life a person, allowing you to hide behind this feeling and so forget all the responsibilities we have with we thereof.

Allow to be loved does not mean to start a relationship with the first person who says, that would take advantage of the feelings someone. But if you already have couples why not believe that we love? Unless you have given clear reasons to think so, to deny their feelings is a lack of respect. Sometimes he does not love more is more But who is really there.

Love should not be blind, or deaf, or dumb. Close eyes can not see what others feel, not who we listen silent and not talk about preventing understand us. These three attitudes can lead only to feel the love as a drama, denying their true meaning.

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If you think that being sexy means being as beautiful as a model you are very confused. Being sexy means to know well the virtues you have to know yourself and get the most benefit. So if you thought you could not be as sexy as you Scarlett Johansson or Jessica Alba, we will give you good news: you too can be sexy.

Be sexy is a matter of self-confidence, will not find any woman sexy not feel sure of herself. Remember you can never become a sexy girl if you do not trust yourself and explode your strengths. Quite simply makes you feel sexy. And always remember the words of Elizabeth Arden: "There women ugly, but women who neglect their beauty”

Explode your best qualities
All women have something that makes us different from others and makes us beautiful: lips fleshy, a beautiful smile, long legs, some nice breasts... Find your better qualities and party. It is very funny how women tend to find our faults instantly, no need to remember them no one to ourselves we remember them.

Find the style that identifies you
It is very important that you find your own style when dressing. Not you avail copy the styles of other girls that you consider attractive. Maybe a style that fits great to another is not the right one for you. Think about what you intend to convey with your outfits, are you a romantic girl who feels comfortable with clothes, Dancers and flowers, or else you're a tough girl that he likes the black jeans and Dr. Martins? Try to find the style that defines your personality and with whom you feel comfortable and not worth for anything that you bring a look who consider sexy if you can not identify with it and make it yours.

You look and you smile are sexy
Almost all people who usually think of sexy have a look or a smile attractive. With our eyes transmit many emotions and communicate what we really are. You do not need your eyes are deep blue or emerald green to stand out, but what really matters is the way they view. Try to bump into a cute guy down the street and look at it with desire, is to tell how much you look like, see that he stares at you instead of spending long as he would if you'd simply bowed his head and followed long.

Likewise, there is nothing more attractive than a nice smile. No boy will want to approach you if you have face dog. However, people who smile all the time are attractive and sexy, good energy transmitted and the rest we are drawn to them.

Intelligence is sexy
The intelligence and power can get to be extremely sexy. A girl who can not speak anything other than her friends and the rags you buy is not at all sexy. However, a smart girl, which you can learn interesting things with which to talk to naturalness always draw the attention of any man. The Americans speak of the thinking woman sex symbol or the thinking man sex symbol to refer to these people without being especially beautiful, are attractive due to its intelligence.

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Not if we have the opportunity to have sex we are prepared. I mean do not get shaved, having periods or not wearing any protection. I refer to such complex and hobbies that torment us, much more, when we have to strip to another person.

The lack of security and self-esteem in us these can cause poor sexual experience. Shyness, believe that you will not be at or trying to not go on light our complex feared, they result sexual intercourse frustrates. Do not let go, do not risk not enough experience and are very self-conscious. This only leads to failure and lack of pleasure.

If you have a relationship stable, probably not have much trouble with this. But what happens when you go to bed first, second or third time with a guy? We return to be 17 years and haunt us any defects that he may discover us.

The common physical complexes in women at the time of sexual intercourse are only in our heads. The women often too demanding to themselves, to the point that many believe that if they have a body perfect and personality sweeping not going to like his couples in the bed, A totally ridiculous assertion because there is nobody in the world that is endowed with a perfect body or does not have anything you want to improve.

Look at the complex that affect women before the sex And watch out for our next article: How to fight them!

Do not feel sexy. Want to tremble with a glance or a touch is something we all wish we could do, lack of confidence in ourselves makes no try.

Weight. Most women desire to be thinner when they undress to make love. To appear so often kept getting sex gut, while attempting to cover with the sheets or directly engaged in sex in the dark.

Chest. It is very difficult to find a woman 100% satisfied with your chest, if that is not operated, of course. Or because it is too small or large, or because you have stretch marks or is down. Given this rather keep sex with pinch post.

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Anorgasmia during sex or masturbation is a problem that may lie in both psychological and physical factors. Specialists believe that is a common condition, but not normal, and fortunately there are resources to ensure cope.

It is true that people have reached greater maturity to talk about sexuality and that we have better access to information on that topic, so it's easier to hear conversations in homes, schools and meeting friends about methods to prevent the spread prevent disease or unwanted pregnancy, but there are still serious shortcomings in that knowledge in the field have not been widespread throughout the population or fully apply in our daily lives.

The consequences of this fact beyond what we imagine, since the lack of adequate sex education can be identified as the source of many problems (dysfunctions) that affect the mental and emotional health of a person or at least a factor determinant in the emergence of fears and taboos that a patient cast doubt on the need to go for medical help.

One of the clearest examples is found in the case of anorgasmia, "dysfunction that affects women and men, although much more common in them, and we define as the persistent lack of orgasm despite adequate stimulus is received time and intensity.” It can be caused by physical or organic conditions, but the most common cause often psychological factors.

Many women with this dysfunction "is a broad ignorance or total body, which is almost anesthetized and inanimate, because it is patients who were raised from small restrictively, with prejudice, fear and remorse over his feelings.”

So instead of having freedom to be adequately informed about sexuality or to explore their bodily reactions or stimulate the fondling their genitals, "was instilled that pleasure equals guilt or sin and that this conduct must conform to certain standards for be well regarded, socially speaking.”

Types and Features
The specialist in human sexuality indicates that the anorgasmia can be of two types: "The primary, when the woman has never experienced an orgasm, either through intercourse, masturbation or wet dreams, and secondary, which refers to the patient He was at some point in life, but because of a psychological, physical or combined, but no longer enough."

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In addition to specifying that sexual dysfunction is one that generates more questions, the primary anorgasmia is global, which means it occurs in any situation, while in high school can be selective, e.g. " a woman comes to feel orgasms while masturbating only and not during intercourse because it feels safer, or is unlikely to achieve a climax with her husband because he looks like someone feels attacked, but when meets another man who gives you confidence, you may experience it. Strictly speaking, it's not 'can' or 'can not' climax with either, but come into play several variants, such as individual development, family communication, self-acceptance and the other, it all helps to create privacy. "

With regard to organic or physical causes of this problem, says one of the most common is diabetes mellitus, a condition in which excess blood sugar injures the nerve terminals and prevents genital sexual experience fulfilling. It stresses that it is common for drug use to address depression as a side effect creates the inability to achieve orgasm.

It also reveals that there are certain types of female psychological characteristics make them more prone to this dysfunction:
* Those who experience a lot of guilt. To tell the specialist, has created a social scale of values based on the idea that pleasure is negative and that women are "bad" and "good" is the first openly expressing their desire to have and who masturbate, whereas the latter should "be kind" and, as they can not openly address sexuality or stimulate your body, block sensuality.
* Those in fear of losing control. Although they may have relationships with some normalcy, know your body and let be the man who takes the initiative, but when they feel they can reach the climax, block their feelings, holding back the stimulus and divert their thoughts, they do not wish to fall in uncontrolled emotions and thoughts.
* Women who have experienced situations of sexual abuse during childhood. Not understanding or interpreting what happened, the girl grows up with muddled thinking and this translates, in adulthood, in fear of surrender. It is possible to achieve a degree of excitement, but do not show the climax.

Moreover, when asked how you can tell a woman with primary anorgasmia have ever reached an orgasm when they do not know what it is, explains that "usually talks to her friends, read and compare their experiences, and discover there is 'something' is missing. When you have often imitate what they see on film, breathing and groans, to pretend that reaches the climax, but it does not to lose your partner, because if he discovers that she does not have orgasms, you will feel clumsy and may have problems. But deep down she knows that 'you are missing something important."

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